Why we need to Stop Neil Gorsuch from becoming our next Supreme Court Justice
Since the election of President Trump’s, something remarkable has happened — Americans across the country have been joining together like never before to resist the dangerous and extreme agenda his administration is set on enacting to make it very clear we do not stand behind his sexist, racist, misogynistic, and hateful agenda.
Confirming Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court would be giving Trump’s dangerous agenda a lifetime appointment.
Judge Neil Gorsuch is the most extreme Supreme Court nominee in a generation — even more extreme than Antonin Scalia. Judge Gorsuch’s Republican supporters have tried to pass him off as a “mainstream candidate,” but his record makes it clear that he would ratify even the most dangerous and discriminatory parts of President Trump’s agenda.
Like President Trump, Judge Gorsuch consistently favors already-powerful institutions over people.
- He has ruled to allow corporations like Hobby Lobby to discriminate against women.
- He has ruled to give police forces and prosecutors more unchecked power, including through the use of physical force on suspects.
- He has said that women “manipulate” their employers for maternity leave.
- He favors continuing the corrupt system under Citizens United.
- He regularly sides with employers over the rights of workers.
- During his time on the bench, Judge Gorsuch has opposed reproductive freedom and women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, civil rights, workers’ rights, immigrants’ rights, disability rights, and environmental protections.
Gorsuch’s record and agenda go hand-in-hand with Donald Trump’s dystopian vision for our country — a vision that has NO place on the Supreme Court. It’s clear that Gorsuch was handpicked by Trump to carry out his agenda for decades to come from a seat on the Supreme Court.
We need an independent judiciary to be a check on President Trump’s reckless, runaway administration. Judge Gorsuch’s writings and record show that he will not be that check.
The American people are counting on Senate Democrats to use every tool in their power to stop Neil Gorsuch from getting a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.
Join The People’s Defense and the nation’s largest progressive groups and take action to stop Gorsuch: Call your Senators at 1–844–373–7977 to tell them to filibuster Gorsuch’s nomination.